Eye Surgery in Abuja

Eye Surgery

Surgeries We Offer


During an eye exam, our doctors will asCataracts are the clouding of the lens of your eye, which is normally clear. Most cataracts develop slowly over time, causing symptoms such as blurry vision. Cataracts can be surgically removed through an outpatient procedure that restores vision in nearly everyone.


A pterygium is an elevated, superficial, external ocular mass that usually forms over the perilimbal conjunctiva and extends onto the corneal surface. Pterygia can develop on the nasal and/or temporal limbus and can affect either or both eyes.

eye equipment at an eye clinic in abuja


Glaucoma is a condition that damages your eye's optic nerve. It gets worse over time. It's often linked to a buildup of pressure inside your eye. Glaucoma tends to run in families. You usually don't get it until later in life.


A chalazion is a red bump on your eyelid. It is sometimes called an eyelid cyst or a meibomian cyst. It slowly forms when an oil gland (called a meibomian) becomes blocked. At first, the chalazion may be painful, but after a little time, it usually doesn't hurt.

Why Us

We are specialized Eye Clinic that provide high quality Eye Care Services to our patients with state of the art technology. We are dedicated in providing our patients/clients with unsurpassed services combined with the latest in Eye care equipment.

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