The Best Eye Care Services in Abuja

Our primary eye care services include a routine eye exam that analyzes eye health and vision function, often times resulting in a corrective prescription. In addition to eye exams and vision testing, our doctors are fully licensed and equipped to provide testing for a complete range of medical reasons, including glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. If your condition requires specialized treatment you can rest assured that we will refer you to one of the skilled ophthalmologists with whom we partner.

Our doctors and team members  take both routine and comprehensive eye exams very seriously. During a 6 month, yearly or bi-yearly examination, every patient will receive a patient history review, a series of vision and eye tests, assessments of eye focusing and movement, and an eye health evaluation. 

Vision Exams

Comprehensive eye exams are important to maintain good eye health. Often, eye and vision problems do not have obvious signs or symptoms, but are easily diagnosed by a licensed optometrist. By diagnosing eye and vision conditions early on, our optometrists are able to provide treatment options and, in many cases, restore vision or prevent vision loss.

Contact Lens Exams

Interested in contacts? Having trouble with the contacts that you already wear? At The Eye Doctors, we strive to meet all of your eye and vision care needs. Contact lenses require a prescription because they are medical devices. 

Contact lenses not accurately prescribed and properly fitted could result in discomfort and injury to your eyes.

Computer Vision

Squinting at computer, tablet, or mobile screens for hours at a time is a normal part of our lives in the 21st century. Unfortunately, eye problems associated with this activity are also on the rise

eye equipment at an eye clinic in abuja

Low Vision Examinations

Low vision is a condition characterized by a level of vision that is 20/70 or worse and that cannot be fully corrected with medical treatment, surgery or conventional glasses. 

Optomap Vs. Dilation

This technology uses high-resolution, digital photography to capture an image of the back of the eye.  Capturing the image is as simple as looking into a camera an optician pushing a button, the image will be ready for immediate review by your doctor.

This procedure uses drops to open the pupil so your doctor may see all around the inside of your eyes for detection of retinal disease, including retinal detachment.

Pediatric Vision Care

The American Optometric Association guidelines recommend that all children have a complete vision and eye health examination at the age of 6 months, 3 years, upon entering kindergarten, and routine vision care thereafter throughout their school years.

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