Optomap Vs. Dilation

There is more to vision therapy than simply strengthening the eyes. It also enhances the neurological connections between the eyes and the brain. Eyes are the windows of the brain. It directly influences sight based on how it interprets images received. A healthy connection between the eyes and the brain is essential for good eyesight.

Optomap Retinal Imaging

This technology uses high-resolution, digital photography to capture an image of the back of the eye.  Capturing the image is as simple as looking into a camera an optician pushing a button, the image will be ready for immediate review by your doctor.  The doctor will be able to see the retina, macula, optic nerve and blood vessels.  The photo can show signs of macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal holes, retinal detachments and high-blood pressure related eye conditions.  The Optomap Retinal Image becomes a part of your records allowing the doctor to refer back to them each year.


This procedure uses drops to open the pupil so your doctor may see all around the inside of your eyes for detection of retinal disease, including retinal detachment.  Drops may cause light sensitivity or blurred near vision.  Talk to your doctor if you are concerned about the use of drops.

Optomap Vs. Dilation

group of eye doctors at an eye clinic in Abuja
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